New art for 2021! Vivid Blue Abstract Art now available!

I’ve been busy! Thank you all for your continued visits! This week, I finished up a beautiful, blue and green abstract painting that I call, “Under Normal Circumstances”.

“Under Normal Circumstance”, 20x24”. For more information and to see close up images, click here.

“Under Normal Circumstance”, 20x24”. For more information and to see close up images, click here.

I always feel challenged after taking a break from painting. These days, with the daylight leaving early and cool temps, I have spent a lot of time working online and satisfying creative energy in my kitchen and doing fun projects with my daughter. My break lasted about 4 weeks. I know this about my self. When I return to painting, I allow slow days, short studio visits at first and lots of breaks. I also ease into my projects, saving large scale paintings for after I have warmed up suitably.

Today, there was a big winter storm passing through San Diego, with extremely cool temperatures and rain and hail.. I am using this welcomed slow day to catch up with my writing and website maintenance. I hope you take a moment to have a slow day too… they’re great and so welcome.