Give a a lot!

I get a lot of questions asking about my online workshops. There are a lot of people who still have not taken the plunge into online learning.. that…PLUS..there is a wide gamut of online services available. So many different teaching styles/benefits.

Technology has always been a part of my life. I’ve always been interested in it, from saving babysitting money as a kid to try and get a new stereo, camera or computer.. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that my father was a subscriber to Consumer Reports magazine. I was fascinated by the reviews and always wanted to learn why one product scored better than another.

Fast forward to my twenties.. I took a big chunk of my gemology studies online because I couldn’t afford on campus learning. I was asked to write tutorials and training documents for the HR department back at one of my old jobs…and now, I film, write, edit and produce my own abstract painting workshops. It’s all me.

Over the years I have seen many students “graduate’ and move on to gallery shows, sales and even making their own online classes. I love it!

So when you purchase an online workshop from me, I give you the options. You can post in my private Facebook group to ask for help or show your work. Or you can email me. Directly. But if you email, you might get something back that looks like this:

I’ve blocked out the artwork for the privacy of the student.. but this student emailed me yesterday with a question about her workshop lesson. She asked for help and explained that she did not know how to “get” where I was telling her to go.. So, within an hour of her initial contact, I took her image and marked up the steps and wrote all of this instruction out, 100% customized to the problem that she was having.

Because I want to do it. That’s the service that I WANT to provide to all of you.

If you are looking how to make your paintings more sophisticated. If you want personal instruction…and FAST turn around with your questions. Sign up today. The workshops are still on sale during quarantine…and new customers can user the code WELCOME at checkout to save even more.

Here are the workshops.

The best deal right now? Expressionism Vol 2, almost hours of instruction. 4 paintings start to finish. No time limits. Beautiful hand out and ME….private, fast instruction. Click here. New students can get it for only $206. using WELCOME at checkout. Can you go to a workshop of this quality anywhere for $34/hour? Didn’t think so.