Happy New Year! (SALE!)

I normally don’t get into this, but I think I have been inspired by all the “year in review” segments on TV.. I have a lot to be thankful for this afternoon.. Thankful for all of the lovely customers who purchased a painting or two this year for sure. That money turns right around and helps me continue to provide for my family, so we really appreciate it. Thankful for everyone who purchased a new online workshop this year as well… for the same reasons!

Thankful for Five Three Gallery in Laguna Beach for being such awesome people and selling some of my paintings last summer… Thankful for the loads of continuous support from total strangers on Instagram…who encourage and support me every day by just pushing “like”…that means a lot.

I’m thankful for clarity… Thankful for the personal growth and the people close to me who have encouraged me to be positive by leading by gracious example.. Things are tough…but having a cheerful outlook makes things feel good!

I spend long days helping my daughter drive far and long… I wait around to save gas..more hours than a full time job. It is her dream to play collegiate tennis.. as long as I can continue to do so, I am going to help her fulfill her dream…the hours take a toll on me…and sometimes I forget how valuable some self care can be.. Luckily, in December, I met with friends twice and even went to the movies..lol What seems so simple to most people, is almost unheard of here. Those few hours, meant so much to me.. Thank you.

I’m closing out the decade and trying one last time to sell some art..take a look at the prices..things are greatly reduced and I would love to be able to send you an original. Use the code WELCOME at checkout here and save even more…and yes, this code will also work on online mixed media workshops.. So get some. The sale ends January 3rd…don’t miss it.

Happy happy new year to you… cheers to simplicity and clarity.. ❤️

Amaryllis and Tree…taken December 2019. Photo: Julie Prichard.