Passion Project

As time passes, my art changes. I am growing and learning every day that I am in my studio…and even on the days when I am not! I feel energized by the people and places around me and I feel that energy is captured in my abstract art. This is an exciting time for me!

Last month, I started to think about filming a new online workshop. I initially sat down and scratched out some ideas and a small plan..but then I let it fall to the side. It seems as soon as I start to think about filming a workshop, the creative energy behind what I consider to be some of my best painting work to date falls lackluster. Filming while painting abstract..especially while trying to meet the demands of a list of contents in an online workshop is very difficult.

I filmed my latest workshop without a schedule. I kept it secret so that I would not restrict myself to a deadline. I did not restrict my supplies and I just had fun painting. The result, I think, is my BEST artwork to date on film. Gallery ready works of art…and since my head was free of the clutter and administrative responsibilities of sticking to the schedule, the conversation is really great. Meet my latest creation, “Expressionism, Vol 2” (video embed)

I am so into this workshop! For many weeks I filmed and painted and then edited and wrote all day! You get 3 minutes shy of SIX HOURS of teaching in this workshop…and the art….4 gallery ready paintings.

This is a direct roadmap into how I paint. If you have taken some of my abstract workshops, you may be asking yourself if the “techniques” over lap each other. I think that since I am the artist in most of my workshops, yes, some may overlap. However, I strongly feel that every piece of abstract art presents itself a new set of puzzles to be solved.. there is value in taking workshops as my art grows…as I grow and as YOU continue to grow too!

“Mountain Song” Class sample for the new online workshop, “Expressionism Vol 2” Now Open!

Can I list the techniques that are in this workshop? Sure.. how about: layering, blending, composition, mark making, glazing, finishing, masking, transparent paintings, opaque paints, texture making…the list goes on. A better way to gauge if this is the workshop for you would be to look at the 4 class sample paintings… Can you paint with this level of luminosity? Do you like the way the samples look? Do you want to learn how to paint abstract paintings? Then this is the class for you.

There are no time limits on the class. There is daily instructor support.* The video is BEAUTIFUL… I’m open now and ready to share everything with you. Click here to register.

*Julie is not going to be working on Christmas and New Years Eve… but you can probably catch me on Halloween and 4th of July. 😋