Silver Linings Playbook

Check out this awesome....AWESOME book my friend Michelle stitched up...the book is featured in the current issue of Somerset Studio, in her recurring column, "Make it Your Own". Click here to see a preview.

Michelle used the instructions I feature in my Mixed Media Variety Hour online workshop (now and always open)..... THAT is really exciting to me!

I thought I would make a mention of this particular class because I am so excited to see Michelle's interpretation of one of my lessons.. that class really has something for everyone.. and when I was looking back to find something to post, I noticed the PDF I wrote for that class... it's FORTY PAGES LONG!! (Pictured above are some of the pages of that's full of beautiful photography and well written instruction if I do say so myself..and I DO! )

This class is NOT an hour .... It's about FOUR HOURS OF PROFESSIONALLY EDITED VIDEO YOU WILL LOVE TO WATCH. Take a look at the promo and tell me what you think!