Selfies are soooo 2013... The SHELFIE is where it's at #mixedmedia

You have stuff. It's on a shelf. Take a picture of it. Share it. Everybody's doing it.


Why? Because come on....Looking at stuff on shelves is fun. Looking at things all lined up and orderly excites my neat-freak side.. Behold my newly acquired thread collection.

Fuji X-pro 1, Fujinon 14mm f2.8

Fuji X-pro 1, Fujinon 14mm f2.8

Whoooo makes this stuff up? Insanely creative Michelle Ward..that's who. You remember the "GPP Street Team"? That was many excellent online community building blog-events coming from that brain over there. And thankfully...they are not. the. same. old. stuff.

Dust off your and visit all of the blogs. There is a Facebook page too.... I know it's easiest for me to comment from my mobile device onto Facebook...maybe I will see you there. Will I see you there? I hope to see you there. Really. 

I told her, "Michelle...listen...I don't have many shelves...and everyone has seen my paint shelf..what can I possibly contribute?" Stuff she says... "You have stuff. Line it up." Snap. Done. I'm hoping to line stuff up every about you?

Get your SHELFIE on! Click here!

You don't have a fancy camera? Who cares! READ this.