Charles Darwin.

Ahh...the yellow rose is here. I planted one David Austin "Charles Darwin" last year, and the baby plant produced 3-4 blooms. The roses smelled so amazing, I bought two more plants and got them into the ground this season. From the David Austin, catalogue: "Strong and delicious fragrance which varies between a soft, floral tea and almost pure lemon depending on weather conditions." It's true...mine are so citrusy and strong, I could easily eat them all!​

Next on my list is to buy another vase (I only have one) and some floral foam so I can make better arrangements. These are all piled into the vase and balanced on each other, so I know I can do better. A lot of my plants are young (1-2 seasons old) and I am pruning and coaxing stronger stems...I can't wait.

Oh. Where's the art? well, I am taking a small break from painting here because I just opened up my last class...and I am immersed in some graphic design courses. I am having a ball learning Illustrator CS6 and will show you some fun once I "graduate". I should be done in a week.  See you soon!​