All About Burlap...

Last weekend I took my second sewing class. I hurriedly completed my "New Owners" assignments so that I could have "free sew".. I cruised the shop and zoned in on this burlap. Chic, right?

My intention was to make placemats for our kitchen.. We're not formal, so I thought they would fit in very nicely. The truth about me and placemats is that I have been searching for some for about 2 years now. I could not agree on anything I saw in any shop I decided I would make my own. Problem with this plan was that you should not machine wash clean maybe... but I eat meals with a 7 year old... hmmmm.

I sewed 6 placemats, lining and all...frayed the edges and then washed them. I didn't like them anymore. I drove out and bought 6 placemats at Pier One. Now, what to do with all this fabric? (Linen, Canvas and Burlap.)

Tote bags! I am very excited that I am now sewing things I can use! As simple as they may be, I was locked up in my head that I would never be able to complete a bag like this...but I did. A few small errors...but bag, lining, straps... EVEN straps...done! Yay Julie!


Big enough to hold two hard cover books and your personal effects nicely. How do you know something is "good"?

Kate's smaller prototype bag.

My daughter quickly picked up the first, smaller bag and totes things here and there like 7 year-olds love to do... Tote bags are in my future, my friends....pockets, zippers, and hopefully soon, quilted!

Julie Prichardsew6 Comments