The Art of Keeping a Creative Journal: A Peek into My Process

If you've been following my social media journey, you've likely seen glimpses of my trusty journal making frequent appearances in my videos. This journal isn't just any ordinary notebook; it's the sacred collection of my artistic process, a treasure trove of insights and creativity. In this blog post, I'll take you on a journey into the pages of my creative journal, sharing how it plays an indispensable role in my artistic endeavors.

Every artist knows the importance of getting the right colors in their artwork. For me, my journal serves as a color mixing encyclopedia. With each new painting, I meticulously record the colors I use and the mixing ratios. This not only helps me replicate successful color schemes but also allows me to learn from my experiments and refine my palette over time. I wrote a specific workshop that explains the methods I use for mixing and recording color mixes. While a lot of information on social media currently looks to be that you need to be a rocket scientist to mix color, I have fine tuned a very simple process for harmonizing color that anyone can do. The process revolves around my process of visual layering that you see in my work. To learn more about the workshop, please click here.

A glimpse inside Julie Prichard’s art journal, featuring her original painting, “Scenic Route”.

One of the most valuable aspects of maintaining a creative journal is the ability to look back on my past creations. I often flip through the pages, revisiting older paintings, and reflecting on the techniques and styles I've used. This practice sparks inspiration and encourages me to explore new avenues in my art. It's like having a visual timeline of my artistic evolution.

Art is deeply personal, and my creative journal is a safe space to express my thoughts and emotions about each piece I create. Whether it's the excitement of a breakthrough or the frustration of hitting a creative block, my journal bears witness to my artistic journey. These emotional snapshots not only serve as a form of therapy but also help me channel my feelings into my work. The finishing touches in my journal entries are the title and size of the completed artwork, a quit inkjet print of the finished painting and sometimes I also tape in progress shots!

Keeping record of the pigments used helps the artist edit paintings long after they were initially completed.

As an artist, maintaining a creative journal has become an integral part of my process. It's a constant companion that helps me grow, learn, and create with purpose. So, whether you're an artist yourself or simply curious about the inner workings of the creative mind, I encourage you to consider starting your own journal. You never know what hidden gems of inspiration and self-discovery you might unearth within its pages.