The Gumdrop Chronicles

I am super excited about my first completed painting of 2020!

“The Gumdrop Chronicles”. To order this painting, please follow this link.

This painting took a long, winding road towards completion. Sometimes that happens.. my experience helps me see things all the way through. Take a look at the stages this painting took until it was completed:

Pictured above, you can see the first three phases of the painting. It started out in a completely different color palette! Around the time of the third image, I started to hone in more closely on where I wanted the painting to go. Look at the next three phases pictured below:

Once the color palette ironed itself out, I focus my attention to blocking in color and I add layers and layers of glazing to define each tone. The values of the colors help dramatically with the composition. I would say that the lower three images in this post are my most favorite stages of a painting.. This is the period where I think about the painting non stop. I take many images of it and carry it around with me where ever I go. It consumes me 😊.

You can click here to see color up detail images of “The Gumdrop Chronicles”.

2020 is looking pretty bright from where I stand. ❤️