Stretching hurts..

​On the left, my experiment. On the right: a page from the book "Masters of Fashion Illustration" by David Downton.

I purchased some fashion illustration books a few months ago.. not because I want to draw fashion (although it is really cool to look at) but because I am a little fascinated by the abstract portions of the drawings as well as watercolors.​

Yah. Watercolor paint.​

So, Julie....who hates drawing and has never drawn anything, jumps in and starts to attempt to draw fashion sketches and then paint them. In a class with a ton of talented illustrators no less... >gulp< I made about 12 drawings.. I threw some in the trash...I scribbled, I erased.. I am happy to report that I did see improvement in my sketches starting in about sketch #3.. progress. I was happy.​ Dude....I am no fashion illustrator.

So no...I am not going to start drawing ladies, or dresses...but I thought since I have an interest in fashion, slopping some watercolor on some dress sketches couldn't be so bad. Why the watercolor in the first place?​

My inner voice.... is telling me to incorporate the watercolor into my acrylic work. How? Not sure.. but I know now that if my voice talks, I need to listen... ​

So the watercolors will stay out on the table... what's your voice telling you these days?​