Artists For Respect! Poo-Poo Bad Guys #mixedmedia #art



You should join this group...we're almost 1000 Facebook members strong...and what do we want? RESPECT.

I created this big little group back in the Spring of 2010 by asking some of my industry friends to join me on a crusade against...well....I guess against bad karma. The goal is to raise awareness of copyright... artistic, music...and just to overall be more aware of what we are using in our artwork, what we are selling, and how we  interact and RESPECT fellow artists. 

CLICK HERE to read our pledge and see what my fellow artists have to say about the topic..

Click here to LIKE us on Facebook

*Note: Since the launch in 2010, the page address for the Artists for Respect page has changed. Please visit the page and fix your links if you are so graciously hosting us on your blog. Thank you! 

Julie PrichardComment