My Mediterranean Climate...

Sakes alive, friends. Our beautiful San Diego "year round" Mediterranean climate was out the window last week with temperatures climbing well into the hundreds in parts of the city. Sweltering. My frail san-diego-ness structure does not do well in that type of heat. We've been laying low, watching movies and praying for our normal temperatures to return.​

False Idols​

Mixed Media on canvas, 8x10​

Before the worst of the heat wave I was able to film my new online class (opens in October). I'll start to edit the footage this week. I was also sidelined late last week with a sinus disturbance, so during that down-time I wrapped up the author edits on the book! Chris and I have the book in our hands....and we're really proud to be able to show it to you soon!​ There are subtle tweaks here and there...but we're SO close to being finished. It's a great feeling.

Thank you all for your support over the last few years. I cherish the friendships I have made online and in person during this "beginning" of my artistic journal. I can't believe how far I've come...and I wouldn't have done it without you. xo​

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