Book Review: The Artist Unique by Carmen Torbus

I am happy to be included as one of the contributing artists in Carmen's new book, The Artist Unique. You can read my story about discovering my own personal signature on pages 94-95.

I am not going to beat around the bush. This is a great book! This book speaks to an inner struggle that I hear so many times from my students and in the blogging community..I am learning these techniques and taking all these workshops...but how do I make it mine? So check it- you get an encyclopedia of techniques here, folks....inspiration...AND guidance on how to start making your art YOUR ART. A fantastic book topic if I do say so's about time.

This painting is featured in the book.. My topics included artist crayons and texture..and this was my texture piece. "On Jupiter" is approx. 10x10" wood panel, ready for hanging. It's high gloss surface not only highlights texture but I used a touch of interference paint to highlight my Jupiter. This original painting is for sale for $155 + tax. This price includes shipping. (Domestic and International.)



Thanks for checking in today! I'll be back with the origianl painting "Nine" for sale on Wednesday..also in the book.
