Resolutions? No. You?

A small piece of a large painting for our book..

Yesterday was E.A.S.Y. I did not cook that much (subsequently I did not eat that much either...great how that worked out) and opted for prepared foods...mostly from Trader Joes. It was so great to sit with my mom and dad all day without having to keep one eye on the oven or stove. My pledge is more holiday's like this one...hopefully I can remember that next year.. Please remind me.

Do you make resolutions? I don't.. I feel like if I make them, I have a great chance of letting myself down.. so instead of waiting for one day to come around to make a change, I just try my best every day instead. Know what I mean?

Get any cool art gifts? I got this book and by first glance, it seems pretty interesting. I am looking forward to reading through it. Still looking to fuel your creativity? Don't forget we're all on sale thru New Year's Eve. Huge workshops. Small price.