

Happy New Year to everyone! I've been reading about everyone's resolutions, goals, etc. I did not make any. Surprised? Probably not. Aside from only getting out of bed when the clock ends in a five or a zero (my cheat way of sleeping in...7:35: good time to get out. If it's 7:36, I have to wait under the covers until the next "go" time, which is 7:40. Get it?), I generally don't wait for a specific time to start something. I mean, I always say I am going to stop drinking soda when I finish this 6 pack...but that's pretty much it. My big deal today is watching the Rose Parade. I LOVE the Rose Parade. I have some vintage slides of floats from the 60's around here of my favorite flea market finds.

Don't forget there is still time to enter the Sweepstakes! You can read all about it by clicking here. There has been such an amazing response to the sweepstakes! I've clicked on every single blog link in the comments section and there are some really great blogs I have never seen! Hooray! I hope you take some time to blurf through them too!