Patched Up.

Fuji X-Pro1, 35mm Fujinon

I've been collecting patches since Brownies, 1979, I guess.

Recently, I convinced my daughter to elect for the patch anytime a souvenir was warranted... We sew them all over her backpack. 

Last week was the monthly embroidery club meeting at the sewing machine shop.. I was not interested in the project, so I stayed home... See, there are thousands of digitized designs you can download for your machine. There are discs full of them that you can purchase as well.. I soon tired of those and purchased digitizing software.. Which means anything I can get into the computer, I can spit out embroidered. I'm working on my handwriting... which is a little complicated.. because why learn one complicated software program when you can learn two at the same time? I'm forcing myself to get better with Illustrator....and then to take those files and digitize them..

Fourth image from the top..those are the fruits of my labor.. Making my own patches... I can sew them on to anything that I can't directly embroider on to (machine limitations). They sure are fun to hold....

Julie Prichardsewn