Every Summer... #mixedmedia

Every summer I find myself on creative break... Every summer, I try to force myself out of the break.. I think that I need a change.. and that if I find a new direction, the creativity will flow back with gusto.. and every summer, I spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars going all in on the new exploration.. I'm on to myself.

I've realized that I know I can paint.. I know that if I take a painting break, painting will come back to me.. I know that in summer, I have to play the roll of enthusiastic cruise director for 8 weeks.. I kind of like it. A lot. So until then, I take breaks.... far and few between (cruise directing is exhausting!).. and do a little project here and there. Slap some paint around... sew something quick.. (super proud of myself for HEMMING my short wardrobe)... Plus...while helping students in our online mixed media network, it seems like I never have stopped painting.

Annnnd.....Here's Chewie! Weighing in at over 10 pounds now..he's doubled in size since Easter when we brought him home. He's doing AWESOME in obedience class.. and I think he's changing color.. I think he's turning more gold...which is pretty cool... we're having a great summer.